Thursday, July 28, 2011

Worrying & Feelings

The head worries and the heart feels. They cannot function at the same time. When your feelings dominate, worry dissolves. If you worry a lot, your feelings are dead and you are stuck in the head. Worrying makes your mind and heart inert and dull. Worries are like a rock in the head. Worry entangles you. Worry puts you in a cage. When you feel, you do not worry. Feelings are like flowers, they come up, they blossom and they die. Feelings rise, they fall and then disappear. When feelings are expressed, you feel relieved. When you are angry, you express your anger and the next moment you are all right. Or you are upset, you cry and you get over it. Feelings last for some short time and then they drop, but worry eats you for a longer period of time, and eventually eats you up. Feelings make you spontaneous. Children feel, so they are spontaneous. Adults put brakes on their feelings and they start worrying. Worrying about anything obstructs action while feelings propel action. Worrying about negative feelings is a blessing because it puts the brakes on those feelings, preventing you from acting on them. Usually one never worries about positive feelings. Worries are uncertain. Worrying takes away your energy; you cannot think clearly when you worry. Offering your worries is prayer and prayer moves you in feelings.


95 percent of all this is hollow and empty. 98 percent of our body is space. Scientists say our body can be compacted in a single match box. Each atom is all hollow and empty. What comprises of this empty space is consciousness. That is why Lord Buddha said, “I searched and searched and searched and found nothing”. Professor Durr said, “I studied matter for 35 years to find out it doesn’t exist”. "Atoms turn out to be 99.99999999% empty space".


Challenges are there to make you see that you can overcome them, that you have the energy. Your spirit should be high at all times. It doesn’t matter, never mind, keep moving and keep your spirit high. That is the main lesson - that you are unaffected by the event. Lessons come out of challenges. These are momentary challenges; see them off with a smile.

Friday, July 15, 2011

You are a gift to the world!

Any celebration can be genuine only when there is dispassion in the heart. When the mind turns inwards and latches onto that which is not changing, that which is eternal. You know what, the moment you see that deep inside you are eternal, then what is death and what is birth? It’s like people saying the sun is rising and the sun is setting. Neither does the sun rise nor does the sun set, in the same way we are not born and we never die. We remain, we stay; that aspect of our consciousness is what we need to latch on to and that is the spiritual path; that’s it!

Generally you have all noticed that somewhere deep inside you there is this feeling that I am not changing, everything else is changing but I have not grown up. I also don’t feel that I am 50 plus at all and similarly every one of you feel that you haven’t grown up. There is something in you that says, 'I have not changed, I have not aged'. You really are ageless and still you do all these celebrations.

If celebration can bring more service activity then I would go for it every day! Why once a year?

I am so glad that hundreds and thousands of volunteers today around the world are engaged in some or the other service activities. There are so many blood donation camps and so many programs happening. As I am speaking there are so many satsangs that are happening right now and we are on the webcast and millions of people are watching and I am congratulating them all. You have done a lot of service activities today. Keep it up and take any excuse to do service activities.

For life to be blissful, two things are essential. One is dispassion. Latch on to that inner being that is non-changing. Just recollect and remember that you don’t change and nothing inside you changes, you are eternal. When you are anchored in that dispassion then life becomes a celebration, at the same time service activities happen through you spontaneously. So when we are doing service activity, we have to share. Whatever we have, we should share with everybody and when we go deep inside our Self, then dispassion arises. These two things, service and dispassion, can make life a celebration. So snatch any occasion to have these two values.

A celebration without dispassion is very flaky. It is superficial, and there is no depth to it. In the same way service without dispassion is also not the best quality service because it tires you down. We need to be more dispassionate and do service activity and then life becomes a celebration.

My being here is only to remind you that your being is eternal, we are all eternal and in life challenges come and problems come, some pleasant, some unpleasant. All these events come and situations come, but don’t worry. I am with you and together we will sail over all these rough waters and we will make life a celebration. We have already made life a celebration and we will continue to bring celebration to our life and continue to bring more celebration into the lives of the millions of people around us, yes!

Actually you should remember you are a gift to the world. You are not a burden to the planet but you are a gift and when you feel that self-worth coming up within, you will be able to do wonderful things for people around you. When you are satisfied, when you are fulfilled, you can only think of what you can do for everybody else and to realize that you must realize the fact that you are a gift to this world.

I was giving the analogy of a match stick; remember that you are a match stick. The purpose of a match stick is to light the lamps. You know, you strike the match stick and it burns and it lights several candles. Like that so many match sticks in a box can light so many lives. So think you are a super-sized match box. You are here to bring light, wisdom and happiness into the lives of people.

So don’t worry about anything, all your little needs and desires will be taken care of, it will all happen. You have to turn and see what you are doing for the world, how you are contributing to this world and how you are enhancing spirituality in the world. This is essential and is very much needed.

This is a new policy; don’t try to make anybody happy, you can’t

I have seen that swamis, sadhus and people in ancient times would not like to listen to any conflict anywhere. If someone came and complained to them they would just plug their ears and say, “You deal with it.”

See, if you are part of the solution, your energy is high. But if you are talking about problems and problems, your energy comes down.

In the world there is always a play of positive and negative; some problems come, some challenges come and solutions also come behind it. The ancient people would simply focus on keeping their energy high. If your energy is high then when people come to you their problems will get solved.

Usually what happens when you talk to people? You get stooped into their level of problems. They talk to you about their problems and what happens? You get carried away into the problems. So just try this: one day let everybody come and complain 100 things to you, you simply keep your energy high, your sight inward, your mind inward as though nothing has happened. You will suddenly feel there is a freedom within you.
You try this: at home your mother-in-law will complain, your husband will complain, anybody can complain about anything, let the world go topsy-turvy, but hold onto the idea - I am going to keep my energy high. You just take one such step and see, because problems and challenges come so that you can turn your mind inward.
Instead of turning our minds inward when problems come, what do we do? We chase the problem and when we chase the problem we get totally drawn in that direction, dragged in that direction and then our energy goes down and we collapse. Isn’t this what happens?

Many times, in the name of compassion and sympathy you get drowned. Your compassion does not really help at all in solving the problem. It may be very shocking because in compassion the problem multiplies, and it doesn’t get solved.

Any problem comes so that a person can turn inward and look inside, get into a state of dispassion and calmness. Instead you give reasons and try to pacify the person. Pacifying a person in a problem is the worst thing. You should not pacify them. Let everybody bear their own cross. Bear your karma. If you are miserable it is your karma, if you are happy it is your karma. So you change your karma. This attitude makes a person more independent.

You show compassion and then they want more attention. You feel more compassion and give more attention and then neither compassion is there nor can you give any more attention. Only tension remains. It breeds tension in you, ‘That poor person is so upset and I have to make them happy’. Making someone happy is a big burden. Don’t try to do that at all. This is a new policy; don’t try to make anybody happy, you can’t.

There is a Sanskrit proverb that says ‘Kashtasya sukasya nakopi data’. Nobody gives happiness or misery. It is created by one’s own self, one’s own mind. When someone says ‘problem’, just turn and run in the other direction. Say deal with it, you deal with your own problem. Then you see independence comes, interdependence comes in people and that is how you make yourself self- sufficient.
I am talking about this to sadhaks, to all of you who are already on the path. But don’t use this when someone in the street is crying and they want a lift and you say, ‘Guruji said let them deal with it, I am out.’ If you have space in your car you should go attend to them. That compassion is needed there, but not in relationships. When you are relating with people, random acts of compassion are essential. To someone whom you do not know, be compassionate.
Be passionate about dispassion.

Just see your own mind keeps getting bogged down by that person’s feeling, that person’s tension and this lady’s misery and this person’s unhappiness - what can you do and where have you gone? What has happened to you? You are completely shattered. That is why they say cut all these cobwebs around you, all these strings around you, only one string to the Divine, only one string.

Even there, don’t say, ‘Guruji didn’t look at me, maybe God is angry with me’, this and that, no! Everything is prasad, if I am kicked out, it is a Prasad. If I am scolded, it is Prasad. Everything is prasad, This attitude is the best attitude. So: no attention, no tension. Good!